When we were first given the theme liberate me, I understood it as liberating the courtyard (courtyard 14) but after we had selected the subtopics and I picked ‘maintenance’, I started thinking of the theme liberate me on another level.
The presentation on the wall- improved slightly by all the Precedence.Living on campus (1st yr), there was a thot that came to me and some of the other residents on several occassions –“get me out of here”. I thot I could use the themes to design something that would be a way to relate somehow to our experience. My design was meant to be a room (not unlike my last room on campus in dimension) that only had in it a bed (very Tracy Emin – urgh!).
The bed was going to have bedding plants with vibrant colours and the head board was to be like a sculpture. The maintenance was going to be of the plants which were to be changed quite often to form different patterns, in the temperature of the room (unlike my campus room), and of the walking surface – gravel- which was to be raked into different patterns (- carpet/ rug).
Did I pull it off????
NO!I ended up with a very boring model and it was downhill from there. The plan was pants, the section was not much better and the photos of the model were very boring (I’m not sure what I expected seeing that the model was just that – boring!).
The logical question would that be “Y didn’t u just redo the model then?” and the sincere answer would be “B/c I had run out of time”. When Jamie said some of us still don’t know how long it takes us to work, I knew without a doubt that I was one of such people. I had calculated the production time wrongly (of cos not allocating any time for things going horribly wrong… I thot “it is a very simple design and anyone should be able to pull it off in no time at all” I guess that would be anyone but me L)
An unsuccessful attempt at making a very boring model look interesting.
My maintenance man standing beside the plant bed within the courtyard.I have looked at all the work on the wall several times now and I must say it all looks great (I mean as a whole- bc if u were to consider it individually, u may not think so e.g. if u were to look at my work and then the one next to it which just happens to be Richards… well, draw your own conclusions!)
I have a new interpretation of the theme liberate me and this time it has nothing to do with Hadlow- it is rather a cry from deep within me to be liberated from myself!
Liberate Me from Myself! ( …and no! I don’t have multiple personalities nor am I possessed).
An open head with the ideas in it actually coming out clearlyLiberate my ideas from my head could be another way of putting it without sounding like an utter nutter.
I better get back to work. Well done guys- the corridor looks very impressive.